Side Events
There will be a number of side events held on the periphery of NetHui 2014, and we want to hear your ideas!
To provide those, visit the planning page and fill out the form. Please check back here for details as these are confirmed.
Civil Liberties Online
Digital storytelling as responsible citizens
A new narrative of storytelling has been woven into our digital spaces in a variety of ways. From memes to info-graphics to personal blogs and video channels, the mechanisms and tools we have are vast and ubiquitous. But, what are the challenges we face as educators in supporting best practice with the appropriate use of content? How do we model this process with teachers and students?
Mozilla Birds of a Feather
Mozilla Birds of a Feather is an informal get-together for the Mozilla community in NZ, and anyone interested in what Mozilla is doing. Come and talk, meet people in the Mozilla community, ask questions, and see how you can become involved. We’ll be discussing whatever people are interested in – including topics such as Firefox, Firefox OS, Open Badges, Persona, Firefox Accounts, Mozilla-Knight OpenNews, WebMaker, Gigabit Fund, WebFWD, web standards work, etc.
We’ll also have a show-and-tell, for people in the Mozilla community to show off what they’re most excited about or have been working on.
National startup meet-up
Entrepreneurs, hackers, designers, and anyone part of the startup scene nationwide should come along to the startup meet-up. If you’re looking for a co-founder, employees, customers, mentors, or investors from right across the country, this is the place to be
There will be a game, a brief panel discussion on the next 25 years of startups, and then everyone will have the chance to give the room a one-minute elevator pitch on what their startup is about, offering or seeking specific skills, resources or just exchanging ideas.
This event is open to all NetHui attendees.
Moxie Session 17 – the next 25 years of the Internet
What will the next 25 years of the internet hold for our favourite perky nation at the edge of the world? Can we stand up against the mega-trends, or will we drown in a sea of animated cat gifs? What difference is the internet going to make to our lives?
2020 Digital Inclusion Meetup to tackle the Auckland digital divide
2020’s Digital Inclusion Meetup this year aims to draw on digital inclusion initiatives from around the country and consider how these can be scaled up as possible solutions for connecting the 23% of Auckland households who do not have access to the Internet and who may not have the skills or confidence to use the internet.
This is an invitation-only event and places are limited, so if you would like to join us and share your digital inclusion experiences please contact Laurence Zwimpfer and if there are places available, he will send you an invite
The Public Address Great Blend
The Great Blend is a conscious party, and the evening will kick off with host Russell Brown talking about the importance of creative works and the changing realities of doing business in the internet age with Adam Holt (Universal Music), Fergus Barrowman (Victoria University Press) and innovative screen producer Roseanne Liang (Flat 3).
The Public Address Great Blend will be 6:30 – 11:00pm at the Montecristo Room
Girl Geek Dinner
Girl Geek Dinners sets out to breakdown social stereotypes, spread the knowledge about geeky subjects and create a community support network for female geeks in NZ. There’ll be a Girl Geek dinner on the night of July 9 at Toto’s Montecristo Room.
To register, visit