
Open Internet, Networked Learning

Open Internet in Higher Education and Professional Learning: MOOCs, social networks and the future

Facilitators: Diana Ayling, Karen Melhuish Spencer.
Tags: Education, Openness.
Collaborative Notes: Open Internet, Networked Learning

“How far do Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) open the Ivy League doors to higher education for the masses? Can online social networks provide legitimate environments for effective professional learning conversations? This session will explore the potential and challenge of harnessing the open web in the service of learning. Drawing on experiences in online network development and virtual learning environments, we invite you to come and share your experiences and views of learning via the internet. While many topics will be raised on the day, this session will explore: the changing role of the learner; the challenge of maintaining quality, depth and sustained engagement; the challenges and opportunities faced by education institutions; equity, access and digital literacies.”